Praise Band
Praise Band desires to use their musical gifts and abilities to further the atmosphere of worship. Our vision is to incorporate multiple instruments in our services including: piano, acoustic and electric guitars, drums, keys/synth, and bass. If you desire to be a part of the worship ministry, set up an appointment with Bro. Braylen.
Praise Team
Praise Team are those individuals that sing on the front stage with the worship leader. We believe that praise teams add another layer of excellence in worship. If you desire to be on praise team, set up an appointment with Bro. Braylen.
Worship Choir
The dynamic of the modern church has in certain areas shifted away from worship choirs. We believe that the worship choir is a crucial element and adds much to the congregational worship on Sundays. You do not have to read music or be the best singer. All we ask is that you have a heart to worship and serve the Lord by being the best singer you can be for Him. If you desire to be in the worship choir, set up an appointment with Bro. Braylen.
These are the individuals who facilitate all the sound, lyrics, and livestream elements of worship. These individuals are crucial in the success of the service. We do not require any prior experience to be a part, only a heart to serve. If you desire to be a part of the A/V team, set up an appointment with Bro. Braylen.